We run our business with the utmost integrity. We are working hard to increase global food security, promote sustainable agriculture, mitigate and reduce the impact of climate change and illegal deforestation in our value chain, and provide world-class working conditions throughout all our divisions.
At Lavoro, we believe our main ESG asset is making a real investment in truly successful sustainable businesses as part of our growth and value creation strategy for the market and society.
We are a leading biologic player, providing low-carbon alternatives to conventional synthetic fertilizers and crop protection inputs. Our main goal is to help farmers to increase yields efficiently — without expanding their overall environmental footprint.
What we are doing about it:
- United Nations Global Compact in Brazil Participant, which champions human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption principles.
- ESG Agenda fully aligned with UN´s Sustainable Development Goals.
- Corporate Governance overseeing a robust structure of risk management and internal controls.
- ESG Corporate Targets with 20 main goals and 60 KPIs (2022) cross-cutting all teams.
- Priority investment in innovation and production capacity scale of biological solutions, low carbon, and lower environmental impact private labels products.
- Traceability Program implemented in 2022, with geospatial mapping of thousands of rural properties.
- Credit Policy with ESG factors included in clients’ evaluation and rating.
- Lavoro Sustainability Certificate Program covering 100% of well-evaluated clients in Environmental Compliance.
- Engagement of teams and customers in a culture of maximum safety in the handling and use of chemical pesticides.
- The social responsibility strategy focused on the productive inclusion of youth, food donation, and planting and harvesting solidarity campaigns, benefiting 66 thousand people.
Our sustainability practice is not just a pledge — it’s our way of doing business, and it bonds everyone at Lavoro: senior leadership, employees, customers, investors, associates, suppliers, and everyone in our ecosystem.